Digital Collections -> Pathfinders -> Many Roads to Freedom -> Local Civilian Relief Efforts -> Requests from the Field


Requests from the field (newspaper article excerpt from Rochester Daily Union & Avertiser October 15, 1862)

Rochester Daily Union & Advertiser
October 25, 1862

From the 140th regiment - Heir Location - Promotions - Hospital Arrangements - What the Men Want - Good Suggestions to the Soldiers, etc.

DEAR UNION:-- ...I heard much before I left home, and have see in the papers since, about the ladies of Monroe county getting up so much for the soldiers. Some were scraping lint, some making bandages, and other preparing delicacies for the sick; but so far as I can learn, and certainly so far as this regiment is concerned, it all ends in talking and writing. If they would make a practical thing of this towards the regiments composed of their own sons, brothers, husbands and fathers, the good they might do is incalculable. I know a difficulty exists in forwarding these things to any particular regiment, as many of them never reach their destination, or they lay in storehouses so long that they spoil; but if the good people of Rochester and vicinity have anything to send, that difficulty is easily obviated, and I will tell you also what we most need here. When a package of articles for a regiment is ready for shipment, just select some good, trustworthy man to go right along with it,, and by so doing, and a trifle extra expense, the package can be taken through direct to any place without delay, and the goods sent are neither lost or spoiled. We are much in need of bandages. If anything should happen that an engagement should take place, and our men be wounded, we should have no bandages to dress their wounds; also would be very acceptable, something for the sick - such as some jelly, sauce, or anything of that kind that will keep a reasonable time without spoiling. There is an impression among some that such things sent to a regiment are used up by the officers, and the sick get but little of them; but I hope no such impression will prevail concerning this regiment. It is not made of such materials, and I believe our hospital corps are of the right stamp for the places they fill, and for the benefit of the sick... IRONSIDES